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04 August, 2019
Appearance:blue-violet head and neck, long S-shaped neck, black-tipped gray beak, blue-grey body, pale...
04 August, 2019
Appearance:brown/tan on top of body, white below; head, neck, wings, and tail are striped with black...
04 August, 2019
Appearance: blue backs, long wings, wings and tail end in black feathers, light brown bellies, only North...
08 July, 2019
Appearance:white head and tail, brown body, broad wings, yellow eyes, beak, and feet United States national...
08 July, 2019
Appearance: brown back, broad wings, white belly with rust-colored streak on top of wings and dark brown/black...
07 July, 2019
Appearance: slate gray back, light yellow-white underside with stripes, yellow beak and legs, large curved...