SPLASH’s Citizen Education Program 2013-14 Term

Funds were used to provide in depth Maritime Ecology Education to students from low-mod income areas, predominantly Freeport School District. Students were provided with rich experiences, materials and media to assist them in learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Math through the ‘Adopt a Storm Drain Program’ which covers the effects of storm drain run-off in…

Operation Splash Honored at Vision LI Awards

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192qRRKFCA0 The award for Environmental and Historic Preservation goes to Operation SPLASH for their efforts in protecting Long Island’s waterways and shorelines. Based out of Freeport, Operation SPLASH is a nonprofit that cleans garbage from the water and advocates for marine life.President Rob Weltner said polluting the area’s ecosystem for decades has cost Long Island precious resources. A…