SPLASH Volunteers regularly remove litter that gets caught in the trap!
Mill Basin Storm Drain Debris Trap. In 2005, SPLASH began experimenting with a device to capture and remove solid debris from entering the bay from the storm drain system along the Meadowbrook Parkway that begins in Westbury. This design was fashioned from discarded floating docks, and clearly demonstrated a cost-effective solution.
In 2010, SPLASH completed the research and design, and received funding from the Environmental Bond Act of 2006. Below, you will see the NYS award winning debris trap that stops over 200 barrels of street trash from entering the bays each year.
SPLASH monitors the trap by cameras and its boats patrol this area weekly. Volunteers remove debris caught in the trap and dispose of it properly.The ‘Adopt a Storm Drain’ Project engages school classes with a ten month program that includes lessons in STEM subject (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math). Students and a SPLASH mentor stencil the storm drain and collect data about the debris they find near it during the school year. The data is transmitted back to SPLASH for collation. These findings are used to assist in public works planning for communities.Educating Students about Storm Drain Run-off and the need for Debris Traps: To schedule a program for your class contact us today.